About the seminar
The purpose of the seminar is to learn with the latest achievements of geophysical and geological-geochemical works and technologies for processing geological information that can significantly increase the efficiency of search and exploration of minerals; exchange of opinions between representatives of science and practice; establishing scientific and industrial contacts. The seminar aimed at organizing constructive informal communication between specialists from the science and practice of various fields in geology.
Participants can present reports at morning sessions, after lunch experimental and methodological work, demonstration of techniques and equipment in real conditions are expected. The time of the report is up to 20 minutes, including Q&A section. In the evening, the informal discussion of the results of the day and current problems in geology are expected.
The seminar will present the latest software and hardware technologies that are used in a complex of non-seismic methods for searching for various types of minerals. Experience and results of exploration, prospects for the development of geological activity in modern conditions, etc. will be discussed.
Special attention will be paid to GPR studies. Field tests of equipment at archaeological sites will be conducted.
Traditionally, unmanned technologies will be demonstrated, as well as various methods of electromagnetic sensing.
During the seminar, advanced training courses "Modern geophysical hardware and software systems" will be held with obtaining a state-issued certificate.
Base of Practice "Chernorud"
The seminar is held on the base of practices of INRTU "Chernorud", which are located near the coast of Lake Baikal.
The seminar participants will be accommodated in houses for 2-4 people with outdoor facilities. Bathhouse, journey, accommodation and three meals a day are included in the registration fee.
Program Committee
Chairman: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Davydenko Yu.A., Executive Director of SSG, INRITU;
Deputy Chairman: Candidate of Medical Sciences Parshin A.V., scientific supervisor of SGG INRTU; Candidate of Technical Sciences Shevchenko A.N., Director of the INRTU.
Organizing Committee of the seminar:
Daria Lanko and Elena Prosekina.
1. Agafonov Y.A., General Director of LLC "Sigma-Geo" (Irkutsk);
2. Bricheva S.S., Secretary of the scientific seminar "Modern problems of Geophysics", Moscow State University, IG RAS (Moscow);
3. Budyak A.E., SSG, Assistant Director of the IGC SB RAS (Irkutsk).
4. Gachenko S.V., SSG (Irkutsk);
5. Gladkov A.S., Head of the Laboratory of geology of deposits of IZK SB RAS, (Irkutsk);
6. Grebenkin N.A., VIMS (Moscow);
7. Davydenko A.Y., SSG IRNITU, ISU (Irkutsk);
8. Egorov G.S., Head Geophysicist of VGRE AK "Alrosa" JSC (Mirny);
9. Zadorozhnaya V.Y., professor extraordinaire Tshwane University of Technology (Pretoria, South Africa);
10. Ignatiev V.I., Project Manager of LLC "Geodevice";
11. Kaminsky V.F., University of British Columbia (Moscow);
12. Kozhevnikov N.O (Novosibirsk);
13. Konstantinov K.M., SSG(Irkutsk);
14. Kopytenko E.A., tech. Director of LLC "VEGA" (Saint Petersburg);
15. Lunina O.V., Doctor of Medical Sciences (Irkutsk);
16. Olenchenko V.V., Candidate of Medical Sciences (Novosibirsk);
17. Persova M.G., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, NSTU, (Novosibirsk);
18. Prokhachev M. V., Head of the Internet community "Engineering Geophysics", (Perm);
19. Svintitsky I. L., Executive Director of the "Society of Experts of Russia on Subsoil Use (OERN)", LLC "Sibgeoconsulting" (Krasnoyarsk);
20. Smirnov A.S., Ph.D., LLC "Gazprom VNIIGAZ" (Tyumen);
21. Snopkov S.V., Ph.D., SSG IRNITU, ISU, (Irkutsk);
22. Sharlov M.V., General Director of LLC "Sigma Electronics" (Irkutsk);
23. Shipatov A.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of NIU "MIET", General Director of LLC "ELMIX" (Moscow);
The participants can submit articles based on their reports or on other topics related to the issues considered at the seminar. Two articles from one participant (including co-authorship) are allowed.
The abstracts recommended by the program committee may be published in a special issue of the journal "Earth Sciences and Subsoil Use" (HAC, RSCI, OAJ, Ulrich'sbeeb), provided they are designed in accordance with the requirements and successfully reviewed.
The requirements for the design of abstracts can be found on the journal's website:
The deadline for submitting abstracts is May 1, 2022.
Abstracts should be sent as an attachment by e-mail: vahromeev@geo.istu.edu with an indication of the full name.
The amount of the registration fee is 135.64 $. It includes: accommodation, three meals a day and delivery from INRTU to the Chernorud practice base and back.
Please send questions and suggestions to the email address: vahromeev@geo.istu.edu
Contact phone number: +7 (3952) 980-404, 8 (914) 898-04-04, +7 (3952) 405-398
To register, click here.